Monday, October 22, 2007

Agenda and Package October 25, 2007

A copy of the Newington Conservation Commission agenda and package for October 25, 2007 can be downloaded here. We meet at 7 PM at the Town Hall in Newington, NH.

The meeting will hopefully allow us to catch up on a number of items we have post-poned for far too long due to lack of follow up and time during our once-a-month meetings, including: development of stormwater regulations; use of the air mitigation fund to improve air quality in Newington; town-wide curbside recycling; updates to landscaping plan guidelines, wetlands definitions and other matters.

Hope to see you there.

-Justin Richardson, Chairman
Newington Conservation Commission

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Conservation Commission Agenda for October 11, 2007

It's late, I'm tired, so just the agenda and package today without comment.

It's 5 MB total, and several items could not make the final list because of the number of projects.
You can download it here.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Conservation Commission Meeting October 11, 2007

My apologies for the delays this week. It's entirely excusable in my opinion, as I have been involved in a trial the entire month of September. As some of you may know, I represent the City of Nashua in its efforts to acquire the Pennichuck Water Works. There was a recent editorial in the Nashua Telegraph supporting the City's efforts here. To say I have been working "day and night" on this would be an understatement.

I was unable to complete the agenda and package this evening (10-8-2007) but I hope to have the agenda and package live tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Our meeting looks to be a busy one. Most noteworthy, the PDA appears set to challenge the prime wetlands designation approved by the NHDES in January 2006.

Hope you enjoy the picture below from the Town's annual Septemberfest.
