The Commission compared the lowest three and recommended LJH's proposal based on a combination of LJH's low price, and its excellent experience and performance on other projects. They've done a great job so far.

This photo shows part of the area behind the school where trees and shrubs are to be planted. There will be a row of evergreens (spruces and others) high up with shrubs and plants (e.g. Lily of the Valley) at the lower levels. The trees were selected for a number of aesthetic (and educational) characteristics, but will not grow as high as the blue spruce that blew over in March.

These are the trees. A sugar maple will be planted outside the kindergarden. Red maples and others will be planted along the driveway entrance that can tolerate wet conditions. Several other species are included on the landscape plan.

Speaking of wet conditions. The photo on the left shows one of the holes in which the trees will be planted after soil improvements are made. You can see an impenetrable clay layer that is present in the lower areas that is filling with ground water. All of the tree roots will need to establish themselves in the upper layers where there is oxygen and (better) drainage. The wet conditions eliminated a lot of other trees from consideration because they would not survive in these soil conditions.
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