The layout of this post is likely going to be screwed up. It's a HORRIBLY implemented aspect of google's blog editor. But in any case, here are some pictures and notes from the trip.
This picture of a bull moose was taken in Dummer New Hampshire from Route 16, just south of Cambridge. The poor moose had hundreds upon hundreds of deer flies on him at any given moment. His back side appeared to be boiling with flies. Ouch!
Unfortunately, both children were fast asleep at this point in our journey, and we did not dare wake them up to see the Moose, some 6-10 feet from the car.
As you can see, Elsa is completely unaware that a picture is being taken. :)
There was a larger network of trails here, but as my main goal for the morning was "Moose Hunting" with Elsa, we explored only the first quarter mile along the brook.
"Moose Hunting along Cascade Brook/Falls." On the opposite (west) side of the road in Dixville Notch, there is a slightly larger Cascade Brook that also has some impressive but small waterfalls that cascade down through a box ravine. The website linked above to Dixville Notch State Park reports that the trail is closed due to flood damage. However, the trail was open when visited and we did not observe any flood damage.
This picture shows the lower cascades in the background. We are standing some 50 feet above the brook at this location as the box ravine drops precipitously on both sides. It is a fantastic spot both to look at and to take in the smell of the spruce-fir woodland. We had the entire location to ourselves the entire time we were there. Unfortunately, Elsa is beginning to grasp the fact that the Moose may be hiding.
On Saturday we travelled to the Colebrook New Hampshire to the Beaver Brook Falls Natural Area.
By itself, this is one of the most spectacular, easily accessed waterfalls in the state. There is very little in terms of trails to explore but if you are in the area or just passing by, it is worth the detour. The falls can be reached only a couple of hundred feet from the parking lot.
Later this week, I'll be posting the Newington Conservation Commission's package and agenda for its meeting scheduled for July 5, 2007 at 7 PM at the Town Hall.
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