The great news is that a new restuarant, Fresh Local Bayside, opened today. Its owners, Josh and Michelle live right down the street from me. We are truly luckly to have them and their restaurant in Town.
I know little about Josh and Michelle before they moved to Newington, except that they both worked at Limbergh's crossing in Portsmouth. They also ran a concession out of a bright orange truck called the Fresh Local Truck which served lunch on state street in Portsmouth with local ingredients.

They are really just getting started, and today their menu was not at full capacity. But for breakfast they offered three varieties of eggs benedict (classic, florentine and irish), buttermilk pancakes, omeletes. But despite the limited menu, their talent already shines. The home-made corned beef hash with the Irish eggs benedict was phenomenal; the buttermilk pancakes were served with dried cherries and real maple syrup were spot on. This restaurant already looks promising on its first day, and stands to improve significantly as time goes on.
Check it out when you can. It is located at the Great Bay Marine (directions) and is currently open Saturrdays and Sundays from 8-3 pm.