I captained a seacoast ultimate summer league team named "the Squalodons of Krill". This was my first foray as a captain. By nature, I am analytical: more critical than inspirational. It was challenging, to say the least, to try to educate and lead a team when much of your training involves analyzing other's mistakes. I am happy to report that we ended our season, not with a winning record, but with the ability to say that we played close to our best even when significantly outmatched.
The Newington Conservation Commission applied for a grant from the New Hampshire Estuaries Project to address stormwater runoff in the Great Bay Estuary, which is contributing to rapid loss of eelgrass and other aquatic life in the bay.
I travelled around the state presenting a lecture and article entitled The Shoreland Protection from a Municipal Lawyer's Perspective as part of the Local Government Center's 2008 municipal law lecture series, in cooperation with Arlene Allen from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.