Sunday, November 30, 2008

Updates from all walks of life

It feels like I have not had a moment to gasp for air since my last update here.

So here are a few newsorthy items since July:

The NH Public Utilities Commission approved Nashua's petition to acquire Pennichuck Water Works. On a personal level, the decision gives some meaning to the last five years of my life, in which I have married, bought a house, had two children, the oldest of which is already in pre-school. Those are impressive milestones.

I captained a seacoast ultimate summer league team named "the Squalodons of Krill". This was my first foray as a captain. By nature, I am analytical: more critical than inspirational. It was challenging, to say the least, to try to educate and lead a team when much of your training involves analyzing other's mistakes. I am happy to report that we ended our season, not with a winning record, but with the ability to say that we played close to our best even when significantly outmatched.

The Newington Conservation Commission applied for a grant from the New Hampshire Estuaries Project to address stormwater runoff in the Great Bay Estuary, which is contributing to rapid loss of eelgrass and other aquatic life in the bay.

I travelled around the state presenting a lecture and article entitled The Shoreland Protection from a Municipal Lawyer's Perspective as part of the Local Government Center's 2008 municipal law lecture series, in cooperation with Arlene Allen from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

Seeing this list reminds of a recent conversation I had with a friend. "So what's new and exciting?" I asked, expecting to hear about football, a hunting trip, or some other item of interest. Instead, I got details about his latest spreadsheet he had been working on. Five minutes later, I managed to interupt and pose the question as to how he saw a question about new and exciting events to be a chance to seguay to the details of a spreadsheet. We laughed but only because he and I know eachother too well, and this post could be my spreadsheet.